Monday, December 11, 2006

In Case You Were Wondering

ACK! This explains where I have been this month.

This is my holiday, peoples. If you thought my birthday cakes were impressive, you should see what I do for Christmas.

Decorating: My home has been turned into a freakin' Winter Wonderland, inside and out. This year, because he loves me so, The Hubby agreed to indulge me and my request to wrap our 40ft magnolia tree in lights. Two days, one forehead gash and 14,000 (yes, that's fourteen T.H.O.U.S.A.N.D.) lights later, it's only 2/3 complete. Move over Clark Griswald!

Tree Shopping: A spectacular Douglas Fir which has been lit and is ready for decoratin' tonight.

Homemade Ornaments: I'd show you but then that'd ruin the surprise for those recipients who are also readers. Let's just say that I've found a creative use for The Mouse's baby food jars. BRILLIANT!

Shopping: E-commerce is my friend b/c 'tis not only the season for yuletide merriment but also for phlegm producing cooties which has been plaguing our home for the past two weeks.

This week, it's baking cookies and Secret-Family-Recipe Date 'n Nut Loaf, oh and perfecting my Dance of the Snowflakes b/c I need snow!

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